2024 Pork & Corn Roast!

On Wednesday St. Philip’s held our annual Pork & Corn Roast dinner.

Each year, around January, the St. Philip’s ACW (Anglican Church Women) discuss and decide if we are going to host the Pork & Corn Roast dinner again this year. There’s a lot of work that goes into this dinner, and let’s be honest, none of us are getting any younger!

The decision was – Let’s Do it! And from the number of people who saw our ad in the Picton Gazette, or the South Marysburgh Mirror, or maybe our posters, well it was a good decision.

We know that many people in the County look forward to this meal, and most don’t need any encouragement to place their order.

But the dinner takes a lot of work planning and then even more effort in executing. And without this team of dedicated workers, it wouldn’t have come together. The good news is we are all friends, and enjoy being together!

With 2 cobs per meal, we needed may pots of corn to be cooked – thank you Glendon!
The corn was perfectly cooked by our Murray
And here is your “wrapping” team – 2 pieces of corn with some butter, wrapped in foil – seriously delicious! Thank you Bill, deb and Arnold
The Corn Husking Team taking a well deserved break. Gord (about to celebrate his 90th Birthday!), Bruce, and Ted. Missing from the photo is Leigh, also on the Husking Team.

But where it all comes together is in the kitchen! These women have been working for days to get this meal together – and their efforts are truly appreciated!

Sally, Paula, Diane and our ringer, Emily
Getting the salads ready are Sally, Sally, Paula, Diane and Emily
Bags and Boxes are prepped early, so we can hit the ground running when the diners arrive to pick-up their meals
Shirley, Nancy, Alfie taking a little break before the rush

There is a great deal of work that goes on during P&C Roast day, but we also have time to catch up, have a chat, and make sure everyone has the support they need, no matter what is going on in their lives. It’s just who we are.

Each dinner bag includes a short grace that the diners might want to say before they eat their meals.

Our guests Chris , Frank, Bob and Arlene

Some people decided to stay and eat their meals at the tables we set up, which is absolutely fine with us. We want to thank everyone who supported our Pork & Corn Roast dinner – we sold 122 meals, which is just outstanding! Enjoy your summer!