Archdeacon Nancy Northgrave is the rector of St. Philip’s, Milford and St. Andrew’s, Wellington. Nancy hit the ground running on October 25, 2021. This appointment continues the shared ministry between these two parishes and we look forward continuing and growing this wonderful partnership. To contact Archdeacon Nancy please click HERE.
On October 23, 2023, Bishop William G. Cliff, the 13th bishop of The Diocese of Ontario, announced the appointment of our Nancy Northgrave as Archdeacon for Rural Ministry and Training. This role will facilitate the growth and support of rural ministries in our diocese and to offer training for congregations in the areas of ministry, stewardship, congregational development, and other identified needs. The Archdeacon Nancy Northgrave is the rector of St. Philip’s, Milford and St. Andrew’s, Wellington. Nancy hit the ground running on October 25, 2021. This appointment continues the shared ministry between these two parishes and we look forward continuing and growing this wonderful partnership. To contact Archdeacon Nancy please click HERE.
Sally Cowan is the Rector’s Warden at St. Philip’s. Sally has been a member of St. Philip’s for many years and wears many hats, including that of our organist. Sally is also a member of the PECMH Foundation Back the Build Campaign Cabinet. Contact Sally by clicking HERE.

deb sawle is the People’s Warden at St. Philip’s. deb is a newer member of the parish, moving to the County full time is 2020. Contact deb by clicking HERE.
Paula Walker is the Lay Reader at St. Philip’s. Paula and her husband Bruce were also married at the church. Paula keeps our services organized each week, and leads the Outreach ministry at St. Philip’s. To be in touch with Paula please click HERE.