Want to join in Worship? Click here for this week’s information!

What are you doing August 7th? Want a delicious Pork & Corn Roast dinner? Click on PHOTO to submit your request!
Thank you for supporting our Annual Yard & Rummage Sale is Saturday, June 22!
On Monday, June 17 we held a dinner – a feast! – in thanks to the Guest Workers that come to South Marysburgh to help us harvest. Click on PHOTO for more!
St. Philip’s hosted our annual Paddle on Black River on Monday, May 20th. Click on PHOTO to read about it!
Click on PHOTO for our Saturday Morning Talk from Quinte Conservation, and learn how to help keep geese off your lawn!
Click on PHOTO to see our Spring Newsletter!
Our Easter Services were recorded and are on YouTube. Click on PHOTO of our choir for information on the services and links to the videos, and photos from our Easter Sunday service.
Click on PHOTO for information on our Saturday Morning Talk, March 16, SHEEP & WOOL (and more!)
February 17 2024 Saturday Morning Talk on Backpack Ministry. Click on PHOTO for information.
Each year St. Philip’s has a Lenten Collection for Henry Budd College in The Pas, Manitoba. Click on PHOTO for more on this amazing college and our Lenten Collection.
Click on PEACE for our Prayers for Peace in the Middle East
Click on Photo for link for the Anglican Church’s response to the Call for Action
Click on PHOTO for Bishop Cliff’s 2024 Lenten Message
On Wednesday December 6, 2023, the Collation of Archdeacons was held at St. George’s Cathedral in Kingston, including our Archdeacon Nancy Beale. Click on PHOTO for more information.
New Archdeacons for the Diocese of Ontario announced – click on PHOTO for more information.

Want to see what we are up to? Click here for our Parish Life

St. Philip’s is a small, family-style church, with a very big heart. Click on PHOTO to see all that is going on!
Click on Photo for the link to our 2023 Annual Vestry Meeting information
Click on Photo for our latest Newsletter
Click on Photo for prayers and how to make a donation in support of Ukraine

Thank you for checking out our St. Philip’s Anglican Church website. We are located in beautiful Prince Edward County, at 44 St. Philip Street in the village of Milford. Want to send something in the mail? Our address is P.O. Box 10, Milford, ON K0K 2P0.

We are about 20 minutes south of Picton, click here for a map of the area. There’s a lot to discover about St. Philip’s! On our Worship page you will find out about this week’s service and what’s coming up. And scroll through Parish Life to get to know us a bit more!

If you want to get in touch please fill in the Contact Us form. Thank you again for checking us out!