Parish Life

2025 at St. Philips!

What better way to start 2025 than with a celebration! Especially if that celebration included a delicious brunch. St. Philip’s celebrated ACW Sunday on January 12th. This was in recognition of the great work our small but might team do to support our ministry, both at St. Philip’s and in the world.

The pot-luck brunch was well received by all!

2024 at St. Philips!

Advent Lessons & Carol Service & Pot Luck Supper

On Sunday, December 15th, we held our Advent Lessons & Carols service. This sacred service retells the birth narrative of Jesus, from the Old through the New Testament. The Bible readings were interwoven with prayer and carols. The church was decorated beautifully by the ACW and Altar Guild, and everyone in attendance enjoyed this prayerful preparation for Christmas.

The service began with a duet of O Holy Night, and then Archdeacon Nancy greeted us all.

We were very blessed to have the St. Philip’s Choir lead us in the hymns and carols.

Members of St. Philip’s read the lessons from the lectern

After the service everyone was welcomed to a delicious Pot Luck Dinner, prepared by the many attendees.

Once the blessing was given, we all could dig in!

And then the entertainment began! With the telling of the Polly Paragon Story, we were broken into groups, and when our word appeared in the story we had to jump up and act it out! Helicopters, and Ballerinas and The Wild West – oh my what fun!

The Wild West!

And it wouldn’t be a St. Philip’s event without a bit of a Sing-a-Long!

Thank you to everyone for making this such a meaningful service, and a very fun event!

We are excited to be decorating a Christmas tree for the Festival of Trees. This is a fundraiser sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary in support of the PECM Hospital, held at Isaiah Tubbs Resort and Conference Centre. It runs on November 29 to December 1st, so you may have already attended by the time you read this. Our tree is called Peace, and you will see a lot of lovely doves, flowers, and ornaments that represent Peace on Earth. We are pretty proud of our tree, and hope it raised a good sum for this very worthy cause!

On Sunday, November 10th we celebrated Remembrance Day. It is always a meaningful service, and this year we included a new tradition.

Before the wreath was laid at the altar, Archdeacon Nancy asked each of us to pin a poppy into the wreath. This was a very prayerful time for our congregation, and a meaningful way to bring us all into the service

The flowers at the altar and the wreaths on the Church doors were lovingly put together by our Sally Latimour

On Sunday, October 13 we celebrated the bounty that is Fall in The County, and the gratitude we have to our Lord for the many blessing in our lives. Here are some more photos of our beautiful church.

On Sunday, September 15, our Illa turned 92! Illa is a very dear member of our St. Philip’s family, as well a a dear friend to Gord & Alfie. So Alfie arranged for a beautiful cake, which we all got to enjoy! Happy Birthday Illa (and Alfie too, who also celebrated that week!)

Illa thanking everyone for coming!
Illa, and her daughter Cynthia
Barry, Cynthia and Brendon came to the County to help Illa celebrate!
Flowers beautifully arranged by Sally Latimour, from her garden no less!
Illa’s church family ready to celebrate – and eat cake!

First Place in Decorative Boxes

Our Sally Latimour, member of the St. Philip’s Altar Guild and ACW, is a champion to us, but now the County knows of her talents too! Sally placed first in many of the Decorative categories, and we couldn’t be more proud – congratulations Sally!

First Place in Floral Butterflies
Second Place in Floral Beauties
First Place in Green Pastures
First Place in Yellow Brick Road

Our Gord Deyo turned 90 this year, and a surprise party was held at St. Philip’s, after our morning service. Click HERE for more!

Where you able to join us on August 7th? St. Philip’s held our annual Pork & Corn Roast dinner – consisting of BBQ Pork, Fresh Corn-on-the-Cob, New Potatoes, Salads, Tomatoes, Roll and and a slice of Pie. All this for only $25! Click HERE for photos from the event!

We had a dinner to thank the wonderful Guest Workers that come to South Marysburgh each year and help the farmers at Creasy’s Apple Dabble Family Farm, Waupoos Estates Winery and The Blueberry Patch prepare and harvest. Click on the PHOTO for more information and photos from this fun event!

Saturday Morning Talks!

Click on the photos below to read about our 2024 Talks!

We hope you were able to join us for Easter this year! Please click on the PHOTO for information on our Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday services.

Click on PHOTO to see how St. Philip’s celebrated Christmas 2023

Sunday, December 3rd was St. Philip’s White Gift Sunday. Gifts and monetary donations will be given to the Picton Salvation Army Christmas Hampers. As you can see, our parishioners were very generous, please prayerfully consider a donation to this worthwhile cause!

Click on PHOTO to read more about Bishop William’s visit to St Philip’s.

Our November 2023 Saturday Morning Talk was on Honey Bees! Click on the PHOTO and read all about it!

Click on the PHOTO to see some wonderful remembrances from our Remembrance Day Service and Reception

Guest Preacher Rod BrantFrancis

On Sunday, September 17, October 15 and October 22, we welcomed Reverend Rod BrantFrancis as our guest preacher. And preach he did! We are so grateful to Rev. Rod for joining us, and we look forward to having you back to St. Philip’s again!

Thanksgiving at St. Philip’s

A special Thank You to the St. Philip’s Altar Guild, for beautifully decorating the church for Thanksgiving!

Saturday Talk on Fraud

Members of our Outreach Group with Acting Staff Sergeant Sean Guscott

On Saturday, October 14, St. Philip’s Outreach Group hosted a presentation by OPP Detachment Commander Acting Staff Sergeant Sean Guscott. Sean was very open and understanding that seniors are falling victim to fraud, and has witnessed it in the County.

Below are a few of the slides Acting Staff Sergeant Sean Guscott presented to the group. The dollar value of the fraud being reported was surprising, especially as it is estimated that only 5% is actually reported. Sean answered many questions from the room, which was very much appreciated.

Acting Staff Sergeant Sean Guscott

See what fun we’ve been up to this summer!

Click on PHOTO for link to our 145 Synod report by Alfie and Gord Deyo
Our Pork & Corn Roast Dinner was such a success! Click on the PHOTO to read all about it!
A beloved member of St. Philip’s turned 100 this year – click on PHOTO to read more about the Walker family celebration!

Celebration of Ministry & Tree Dedication

On Sunday, June 11, 2023, we had a double celebration! We honoured the ministry of our parish priest and pastor, Nancy Beale, as on Wednesday, June 7th she was installed officially as a Canon in the Diocese of Ontario. Nancy was actually made a Canon in 2020, but due to the pandemic, the celebration recognizing her dedication and service to the church was postponed. We also celebrated our lay reader, Paula Walker, as she was honoured with an Award of Merit at the Diocese of Ontario Synod in May, 2023. Click HERE to read what Bishop Oulton said about our Paula!

Then we dedicated this tree, as a recognition of St. Philip’s part in Bishop Oulton’s 160 Tree Project. St. Philip’s planted over 160 trees on parishioners’ properties in celebration of Bishop Oulton’s retirement.

A tradition at St. Philip’s is a May 2-4 weekend paddle! This year the weather was cool, but hey, no rain – so we had a great time! Click here for more photos!

2023 Pancake Supper

Yet another successful and fun Pancake Supper was held at St. Philip’s! Fun, because who doesn’t like pancakes with sausages and LOCAL maple syrup! And successful, as $565 was raised for DOORS – the Diocese of Ontario Refugee Sponsorship.

Tom making fluffy and delicious pancakes!
Click on PHOTO for a copy of the Vestry Report

Click on PHOTO to see our 100 Years celebration!

Celebration of New Ministry!

Canon Nancy Beale

On Sunday, May 15, 2022 St. Philip’s and our new minister, Canon Nancy Beale, held our our Celebration of New Ministry. The service was officiated by Bishop Peter Mason, as Bishop Michael Oulton was not able to attend. It was a lovely day for this celebration, click here for more information and some photos from the day.

Welcome Canon Nancy!

We at St. Philip’s are so very pleased to welcome The Reverend Canon Nancy Beale as our new incumbent, in shared ministry with St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Wellington. Nancy is with us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month – come and check her out!

On Sunday, November 28, 2021,we “officially” welcomed Canon Nancy to St. Philip’s. And in true St. Philip’s style, we did it with cake!

All Mothers and Children Count: St. Philip’s is a very proud supporter of PWRDF. The Canadian government has extended matching donations to the All Mothers and Children program to the end of June 2021. All donations given to St. Philip’s designated to PWRDF by June will match it six to 1. We thank you for your generosity!

Want to join us in worship but don’t feel comfortable coming into the Church? We have the solution for you! Just park in the church lot, and turn your radio to channel 88.3.

Retro styled image of an old car radio inside a green classic car

Do you have a prayer request? Our team of parishioners confidentially pray for the needs of our church, our community and our world. If you have a prayer request, for a need or thanksgiving, or would like to join the team, please email us  here.