
OUTREACH is defined as “the extending of services or assistance beyond current or usual limits“. This is the approach we take to Outreach at St. Philip’s and it is a very important part of our spiritual life. We strongly believe that caring for one other, for our planet, as well as reaching out to those in need, is what Jesus asks of his followers.

Over the years we have, on our own and in partnership with other churches and community organizations, organized events and activities to raise both funds and consciousness in support of such socio/ecological issues as HIV/AIDS, Climate Change, and the struggles of First Nations peoples, to name just a few. In addition to projects we develop, we are also one of the largest per capita donors in the Diocese to the Anglican Primates World Relief and Development Fund – a Canadian initiative which does ongoing work at the grassroots level in developing countries as well as providing timely disaster relief.

The Outreach Committee is also responsible for organizing community events like Movie Night at St. Philip’s, and the Annual Black River Canoe Trip. It also supports the literacy program at the local public school where our volunteers listen to children read every Thursday morning during the school year.  Open to everybody, the Outreach Committee is always delighted to welcome new members. We meet at least quarterly and more frequently during a project. If this ministry appeals to you and you would like more information, please email us our lay reader by clicking HERE.